Turkish president marks 100th anniversary of Treaty of Lausanne

Turkish president marks 100th anniversary of Treaty of Lausanne

Türkiye’s president on Monday marked the one hundredth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne, the landmark 1923 pact recognizing the trendy Turkish state.

“Today is the 100th anniversary of the Lausanne Peace Treaty, which constitutes one of the turning points in our history,” stated Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in an announcement.

“Our honorable nation’s will for full independence showed itself very strongly during the negotiation and signing process of the Lausanne Peace Treaty. Despite all the poverty and impossibilities, this will, which led our War of Independence to victory, still guides us, illuminates our path, and gives the determination to struggle in the face of difficulties.”

Türkiye will proceed its efforts to determine peace, stability and safety within the area, he added.

“While resolutely defending the rights we have gained with the Treaty of Lausanne, we will strengthen our country’s gains with new moves,” he added.

Erdoğan additionally expressed his respect for Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founding father of the Republic of Türkiye, alongside together with his comrades, martyrs, and veterans.

The Treaty of Lausanne-signed by Türkiye on one aspect and Britain, France, Italy, Greece, and their allies on the other-recognized the trendy Turkish state and changed the 1920 Treaty of Sevres, an unfair pact imposed on the Ottoman Empire after World War I

Source: www.anews.com.tr