Signature of ASELSAN in air defense

Signature of ASELSAN in air defense

The GÜRZ Hybrid Air Defense System, GÖKSUR Short-Range Air Defense Missile System, GÖKDEMİR Missile Launching System, and GÖKBERK Mobile Laser Weapon System, developed by ASELSAN, will strengthen Türkiye’s air protection capabilities.

During the “ASELSAN Air Defense Products Launch Ceremony” held as a part of the sixteenth International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF’23), Defense Industry President Haluk Görgün acknowledged that that they had met with many worldwide delegations through the honest and shared their happiness for the progress in protection business improvement of pleasant and allied nations.

Görgün emphasised that esteemed corporations like ASELSAN performed a vital position within the background of this success, and he expressed that these developments have been made doable with the help and suggestions from discipline customers.

Highlighting the paramount significance of air protection programs worldwide, Görgün made the next analysis:

“In recent years, we have achieved significant milestones in air defense. Together with companies like ASELSAN, ROKETSAN, TÜBİTAK SAGE, and many valuable subcontractors, we have developed numerous essential products. Through integrated and systematic synergistic efforts, we have been able to develop and deploy products in almost every layer of layered air defense systems. The ongoing SİPER firing tests have also been successful, and we hope to complete their acceptances this year. Layered air defense systems begin with ‘soft kill’ and ‘hard kill’ capabilities at the lowest layer. We have reached a point where we can design and produce not only the entire weapon systems but also the sub-systems, sensors, electro-optics, radars, and laser units within these systems. Each project today is developed to meet the needs of the layered air defense system for different platforms. As a country, we enjoy the advantages of having such systems, and our support to our friendly and allied countries will continue as it has in the past.”

ASELSAN’s General Manager, Ahmet Akyol, additionally acknowledged that that they had demonstrated their information and expertise within the discipline of air and missile protection by creating new nationwide programs.

Akyol emphasised that that they had launched the air protection product household, which was developed by the onerous work of ASELSAN engineers and holds essential significance for the nation. He stated:

“We take great pride in showcasing the systems that will create a shield for our country’s air defense, featuring ASELSAN’s state-of-the-art products at IDEF. The recent conflicts in our region and around the world have highlighted the critical nature of air superiority and the deterrence provided by air defense systems protecting our airspace. The 4 new systems, named after our homeland’s sky, will strengthen the Turkish Armed Forces‘ air defense capabilities and provide significant capabilities to our security forces in the field. Within this context, we are here to introduce the GÜRZ Hybrid Air Defense System, GÖKSUR Short-Range Air Defense Missile System, GÖKDEMİR Missile Launching System, and GÖKBERK Mobile Laser Weapon System. These 4 systems, which will contribute to the defense of our homeland, will not only eliminate foreign dependency but also outperform comparable systems with their superior performance.”
