Çevrefest kicks off nationwide environmental awareness week

Çevrefest kicks off nationwide environmental awareness week

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change will ignite the “ÇEVREFEST” flame as a part of the Environmental Week actions to be held from June 5 to 9. The pageant, which can be held nationwide beneath the slogan “Hepimizin Bir Dünyası Var,” which implies “We All Have One World,” will characteristic zero waste actions and introduce clear manufacturing applied sciences.

Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Minister Mehmet Özhaseki will ship the opening speech on the Capital City People’s Garden in Ankara, the place this system will happen, that includes quite a few youngsters’s actions. The pageant will host discussions that can attraction to individuals of all ages and embody workshops and a ebook honest. The mega occasion can be a primary in Türkiye and can attain 85 million residents in 81 provinces. Various actions can be organized nationwide as a part of the pageant.

During the four-day program, dives can be carried out by environmental volunteer divers to attract consideration to underwater air pollution, and traffic-free zones can be established for a day to scale back motor vehicle-induced air air pollution. Additionally, tree planting can be carried out in designated areas, and individuals can be launched to monumental timber and registered caves.

One of the environmentally pleasant metal homes beneath building in earthquake-prone villages may also be open to guests on the Capital City People’s Garden. Panels and discussions can be held for kids and younger folks all through the 4 days to boost environmental consciousness.

The occasion in 81 provinces

Zero waste workshops can be arrange in all 81 provinces as a part of ÇEVREFEST, and awareness-raising campaigns can be carried out for residents by waste assortment campaigns. Visits can be organized to waste collection-separation services and recycling vegetation. Visits may also be made to coastal cities’ Blue Flag marinas and boats as a part of the “Zero Waste Blue” practices. Marine litter, its results on marine life and the consequences of local weather change on the seas may also be addressed.

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Source: www.dailysabah.com