Pet shop massacre in Kocaeli draws severe reactions

Pet shop massacre in Kocaeli draws severe reactions

The incident occurred on the night time of August 1st, on Petkimliler Avenue in Mimar Sinan Neighborhood, Körfez district, Kocaeli.

Zafer Cengiz, a visually impaired particular person with 90% impairment, closed his pet store and went house round 11:00 pm . When he returned within the morning, he seen that the cages containing animals have been scattered, 3 chicks, 1 duck, and a couple of rabbits upstairs. have been killed. He noticed that the top of the child rabbit was reduce off and left on the door of his store. Disturbed by the occasion, Zafer Cengiz filed a grievance on the police station in opposition to the perpetrators.

The police have initiated an investigation into the incident.

Expressing the impression on his psychological state, Zafer Cengiz mentioned, “I’ve been running this business for 2 years, and I have never experienced such a cruel, savage incident. I closed my shop around 11:00 PM and came back at around 10:20 am . My cages were scattered. Inside the cage were my 3 chicks, 1 duck, and 2 rabbits upstairs. They killed my duck and left it on the sidewalk. They beheaded my rabbit, placing its head in front of my shop and its body along with the dead chicks at the beginning of the stairs. This is an act that is not fitting for humanity, ethics, religion, or any belief, regardless of denomination. Whoever did this, may Allah curse them with His wrath. I condemn this act vehemently. I demand that our government bring this incident to light and ensure that the culprits are brought to justice for the sake of these animals and my rights.”
