President Erdoğan: We may have reached one million in the number of returning refugees.

President Erdoğan: We may have reached one million in the number of returning refugees.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, after his Gulf tour, which included Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, and his go to to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, said on the aircraft that that they had reached a million within the variety of returning refugees, and this quantity was anticipated to enhance much more sooner or later.

In his assertion, President Erdoğan mentioned:

“The construction of brick houses for Syrian refugees in the northern regions of Syria is still ongoing. Currently, we have reached a figure of 100-150 thousand brick houses. As we build these houses, our Syrian refugee brothers and sisters have started to return. As of now, we may have reached one million in the number of returning refugees. This number is expected to increase even more in the future. Especially now that Qatar is supporting the project prepared in the northern region of Syria. I believe that as this project progresses, the number of refugees returning there will increase. The desire of the refugees to return voluntarily is evident. They are longing to return to their homeland.”
