President Erdoğan: We will reduce inflation to single digits

President Erdoğan: We will reduce inflation to single digits

Speaking through the ceremony, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan emphasised the worldwide attain of Turkish exports and mentioned: “Today, even in the most remote corners of the world, if we encounter products with the ‘made in Turkey’ stamp, it is our exporters who have the largest share in this achievement.”

Erdoğan highlighted the outstanding progress of Türkiye’s financial system by saying: “When we took office 21 years ago, our country was barely managing to sustain itself. However, through solidarity and cooperation with our business community, we have completely transformed this situation. Today, we have become one of the most crucial production hubs globally.”

“In terms of exports, 2022 was a year of records for us.” Erdoğan mentioned. He introduced that items exports skilled a big progress of %12.99, reaching a complete of $254.2 billion. Additionally, Türkiye’s share in world commerce rose to %1.02, Erdoğan said.

President Erdoğan additionally emphasised the federal government’s willpower to deal with the persistent difficulty of inflation. ”We will scale back the inflation, which has been a headache for us and the entire world for some time, to single digits once more. With the elimination of election uncertainty, we now have a stronger hand on this regard. The first precedence of our new financial system workers is the answer of this difficulty.” Erdoğan mentioned.
