Terror attack in Turkish capital triggers worldwide condemnations

Terror attack in Turkish capital triggers worldwide condemnations

World leaders expressed solidarity with Türkiye and condemned the vile terrorist assault foiled by safety forces within the capital Ankara on Sunday morning wherein two cops sustained minor accidents.

The French Foreign Ministry condemned the incident and expressed solidarity with Türkiye.

Austria and Greece additionally issued an announcement, strongly condemning the “heinous attack.”

Sweden strongly condemned the terrorist assault, pledging long-term cooperation with Türkiye in combatting terrorism and wishing speedy recoveries to those injured.

“Shocked by the terrorist attack in Ankara, Türkiye, this morning. Strongly condemn this cowardly attempt to inflict injury and death upon the Turkish people,” European Council President Charles Michel mentioned on X.

The EU condemns the terrorist assault and expresses solidarity with Türkiye, in addition to wishing the injured a speedy restoration, EU overseas coverage chief Josep Borrell mentioned on X.

“We support Türkiye in its fight against terrorism,” famous Oliver Varhelyi, EU commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, wishing a restoration for the injured officers.

Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, head of the EU delegation in Türkiye, additionally condemned the assault and wished the wounded cops a speedy restoration.

“I am following the developments in Ankara very carefully. The Italian government strongly condemns all forms of terrorism,” Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani mentioned on X, including that Italy stands in full solidarity with Türkiye.

Nacho Sanchez Amor, a Spanish politician and European Parliament member, was additionally amongst those that condemned the terrorist assault.

“Appalled by the terrorist attack in Ankara today…We condemn all forms of terrorism and stand firmly in support of our friend and ally Türkiye in its fight against it,” British Ambassador to Türkiye Jill Morris mentioned on X.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama “strongly” condemned the fear assault, stating, “It should help many in Europe to better understand and support Türkiye in its fight against terrorism.”

“Saddened to hear about the terrorist attack in Ankara, Türkiye, but relieved to learn that the intended damage was largely averted by Turkish institutions,” mentioned Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Prime Minister Unal Ustel each issued statements condemning the terrorist assault.

Arab world

Egypt expressed complete solidarity with the Turkish individuals and authorities, wishing a speedy restoration to the wounded.

Saudi Arabia denounced the terrorist assault and pressured its rejection of all types of violence, terrorism and extremism.

Qatar condemned the terrorist assault and underscored its “firm position rejecting violence and terrorism, regardless of the motives and reasons.”

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) expressed solidarity with the Turkish authorities and folks following the assault and wished a speedy restoration for the injured.

Jordan’s Foreign Ministry affirmed its solidarity with Türkiye and condemned all types of violence and terrorism that might destabilize safety and stability, expressing needs for a speedy restoration of the injured.

Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah despatched a cable of condemnation to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and reiterated his nation’s help for measures taken by Ankara to confront terrorist acts and preserve safety and stability.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry additionally condemned the assault “in the strongest terms” and pressured help for Türkiye within the face of terrorism.

Libya’s Tripoli-based authorities additionally strongly condemned the terrorist assault in Ankara and affirmed the nation’s “solidarity and support” for Türkiye in its efforts towards terrorism.

The Algerian Presidency additionally denounced the assault and wished a speedy restoration for the injured.

The Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq additionally denounced the terrorist assault in Ankara and, in an announcement, known as for bolstering worldwide cooperation “to combat terrorism and prevent related activities globally.”

Jamal Rushdi, a spokesperson for the Secretary-General of the Arab League, in a written assertion, mentioned, “We condemn and reject whoever is behind this terrorist act.”

“We express solidarity with Türkiye in the fight against all kinds of groups that use terrorism as a method of action, or as a tool to achieve political goals,” Rushdi mentioned.

The Tunisian Foreign Ministry additionally strongly condemned the assault and guaranteed to face in solidarity with Türkiye in its battle towards terrorism and violence, the assertion learn, stressing on the significance of worldwide efforts within the combat towards terrorism.

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