The 1800-year-old Zeugma Tombstone, which was smuggled into Italy, returns to Türkiye

The 1800-year-old Zeugma Tombstone, which was smuggled into Italy, returns to Türkiye

The 1800-year-old Zeugma Tombstone was stolen 33 years in the past from the traditional metropolis of Zeugma in Gaziantep. Its path was adopted, and it was found to be in Italy.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intervened to help to the return of the historic stele. The stolen stele has now returned to its rightful land.

“In the past 20 years, we have ensured the return of 12,016 artifacts.”

The returned historical tombstone was opened to guests on the Zeugma Mosaic Museum in a ceremony, which was attended by the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Tütkiye, Mehmet Nuri Ersoy.

During the ceremony, Minister Ersoy made the next assertion:

“Truly, a unique heritage has returned to the lands where its purpose and meaning were found. The return of dozens of artifacts to our country has been achieved in the course of many years. Among them are the Bronze statues of Lucius Verus and Septimius Severus, which was looted from the ancient city of Bubon in Burdur, fragments of sarcophagi originating from Perga, and Kilian-type idols. As a part of our collaboration with the United States, we expect further returns in the future. Looking at the overall numbers, we can see that we have managed to secure the return of 12,016 artifacts from various countries in the past 20 years.”

Minister Ersoy additionally visited the calligraphy exhibition as part of this system.
