Türkiye commemorates Azerbaijans Victory Day

Türkiye commemorates Azerbaijans Victory Day

Published November 08,2023


Türkiye on Wednesday marked Azerbaijan‘s Victory Day on the third anniversary of the liberation of a key metropolis within the Nagorno-Karabakh area.

“On the third anniversary of Karabakh’s liberation, we enthusiastically celebrate the Victory Day of our dear Azerbaijani brothers and sisters,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry mentioned on X.

“In this pursuit, we remember our heroic martyrs and veterans with gratitude.”

Turkish Communications Director Fahrettin Altun remembered all of the “heroes of Karabakh’s struggle for freedom” with reverence and respect.

“I celebrate the Victory Day of our friendly and brotherly country, Azerbaijan, which achieved a glorious victory and wrote an epic story in Karabakh three years ago on Nov. 8,” he mentioned on X.

“Our strong brotherhood, reinforced by the motto, ‘One Nation, Two States,’ will continue to defy the centuries,” he added.

Most of the Karabakh area, which had been below Armenian occupation for almost three a long time, was liberated by Azerbaijan throughout a 44-day battle within the fall of 2020, which ended after a Russian-brokered peace settlement and in addition opened the door to normalization with Yerevan.

On Nov. 8, the Azerbaijani military liberated the town of Shusha, which was later declared as Victory Day by a presidential decree.

Initially, Victory Day was to be celebrated on Nov. 10, the day of the top of the Second Karabakh War, however this was later modified because of coinciding with the anniversary of the passing of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founding father of the Republic of Türkiye.

Source: www.anews.com.tr