Türkiye marks Europe Day

Türkiye marks Europe Day

Türkiye, a NATO ally and EU membership candidate, is a key actor that makes main contributions to regional safety and stability, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu mentioned on Tuesday, marking May 9, Europe Day.

“Together with the other peoples of Europe we have celebrated the 9th of May, the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, as Europe Day in our country since 1999, the year marking the official declaration of our country’s candidate status to the EU,” Çavuşoğlu mentioned in an announcement

Europe Day, also called Schuman Day, is noticed on May 9 every year to mark the 1950 Schuman Declaration, which proposed the formation of a European Coal and Steel Community, the precursor to the European Union.

Türkiye realizes the significance of joint efforts in sustaining peace, because it marks Europe Day amid advanced challenges like power safety, unlawful migration, and disruptions in meals and provide chains caused by the struggle in Ukraine, Çavuşoğlu mentioned.

“The current situation compels us to reconsider with a strategic point of view the contributions that Türkiye-EU relations will make to solving these problems once improved in all aspects, particularly regarding accession negotiations,” he added.

At this significant time when the European safety structure is being redesigned, Çavuşoğlu mentioned Türkiye-a NATO ally and EU candidate country-steps ahead as a “key actor” that’s able to making the “broadest contribution” to the safety and stability of its area in addition to the worldwide system.

“With this understanding, the removal of political obstacles in front of Türkiye and the elevation of our relations to the deserved level will be in the best interest of both sides,” he added.

The EU continues to develop new insurance policies and understandings in face of fixing circumstances and multi-layered challenges, Çavuşoğlu mentioned, including: “Enlargement coverage being again on the EU agenda with the struggle in Ukraine is a current instance. We have began our accession negotiations with the objective of full membership to the EU.

“Our main expectation is their finalization in a fair and result oriented approach, without being instrumentalized for national politics.”

Çavuşoğlu additionally prolonged Türkiye’s appreciation for the EU’s solidarity with the Turkish folks after the highly effective Feb. 6 earthquakes in southern Türkiye.

Source: www.anews.com.tr