UN report that the Greek Cypriot administration protecting one-third of the peacekeeping pressure’s price range shouldn’t be solely opposite to the “principle of neutrality of the UN” however manifests that the UN has turn out to be a part of the issue in Cyprus, TRNC says.

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The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has decried experiences that the UN chief introduced to the Security Council.
“The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres once again refrained from emphasising the inhumane isolation and embargo on Turkish Cypriots as in previous reports,” the TRNC Foreign Ministry has said in a statement, regarding reports on activities of the UN Peacekeeping Force (UNFICYP) and the goodwill mission in Cyprus.
The statement issued late on Friday noted that Guterres tried to reveal all the events that took place on the island and in the buffer zone during the six-month term.
The Foreign Ministry said the report that could not openly discuss outdated restrictions on Turkish Cypriots who are equal owners of the island, remained far from the truth.
It argued that the concept of “Intra-Island Trade” which is included in the report as a solution to restrictions on Turkish Cypriots, serves Greek policies that prevent Turkish Cypriots from making direct trade with the world.
It said it would not be possible to reach an agreement between the two parties unless the status of both sides on the island is put on equal footing on the ground of international law and the vested rights of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are accepted.
The Foreign Ministry underlined that the reference to the “Cyprus Government” which has become a mere Greek administration and lost its legitimacy, and statements that the Greek Cypriot administration covers one-third of the budget of the peacekeeping force are not only contrary to the “principle of neutrality of the UN” but manifest that the UN has become part of the problem in Cyprus.
“Besides, we will never accept the expressions used in the reports that would cause one party on the island to be described as ‘state’ and the other party as ‘society’,” it said.
Regarding the draft agreement, the Status of Forces Agreement, which was presented by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to the UN, it said: “In this regard, the necessary works by our ministry will continue to establish a reconciliation model that will register the existence of our country and satisfy our rightful demands.”
READ MORE: Turkish Cypriots commemorate victims of ‘Bloody Christmas’ in London
Decades-long dispute
Cyprus has been mired in a decades-long dispute between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, regardless of a collection of diplomatic efforts by the UN to realize a complete settlement.
Ethnic assaults beginning within the early Sixties pressured Turkish Cypriots to withdraw into enclaves for his or her security.
In 1974, a Greek Cypriot coup aimed toward Greece’s annexation of the island led to Türkiye’s army intervention as a guarantor energy to guard Turkish Cypriots from persecution and violence. As a consequence, the TRNC was based in 1983.
It has seen an on-and-off peace course of in recent times, together with a failed 2017 initiative in Switzerland below the auspices of guarantor nations Türkiye, Greece and the UK.
READ MORE: Tatar decries burning of TRNC flags by Greek Cypriots throughout protests
Source: TRTWorld and companies