Erdoğan: Turks declared to world on night of July 15 national will cannot be defeated by force of tanks, firearms or aircraft

Erdoğan: Turks declared to world on night of July 15 national will cannot be defeated by force of tanks, firearms or aircraft

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke on the “Heroes of the Century of Türkiye” program held at Beylerbeyi Stadium on the seventh anniversary of the July 15 coup try.

In his speech, Erdoğan paid tribute to the martyrs of the coup try and thanked the veterans who fought to defend Türkiye’s democracy. He additionally condemned those that had been behind the bloody coup bid [carried out by putschist soldiers who had links to the U.S.-based FETO ringleader Fetullah Gülen] and mentioned that they’d not be forgotten.

Erdoğan mentioned: “The nationwide resistance against the July 15th coup attempt showed the world how to be united against coup plotters. The Turkish people had declared to the world that the national will cannot be surrendered with tanks, guns, and planes.”

Erdoğan additionally mentioned that the July fifteenth coup try was a “milestone” for Türkiye and that it will be remembered for generations to return. He mentioned that the Turkish individuals would always remember the martyrs of the coup try and that they’d proceed to combat for democracy.

The full textual content of Erdoğan’s speech on the seventh anniversary of the July 15 coup bid is as follows:

“My dear nation, esteemed relatives of our martyrs, heroic veterans, distinguished guests, I greet you all with deep affection. Through you, I extend my warm greetings to the 85 million people across Turkey.

As we mark the 7th anniversary of July 15, we once again unite as one heart, one fist. We stand together to celebrate our national will. I pray for God’s mercy upon all the heroes who sacrificed their lives defending our will.

From the fight against terrorism to operations beyond our borders, I express my sincere gratitude to all the brave souls who fearlessly embraced martyrdom for the sake of our homeland. I want to honor all the esteemed veterans who have received the highest honor. I thank everyone who took to the streets from the very first moments of the uprising, preventing the coup plotters from gaining any ground.

I send my greetings to the true friends of Türkiye who have been following the coup attempt from all around the world. At the beginning of my words, I want to emphasize a truth. We are a nation that believes our martyrs are alive and lives with them. Much more lies beneath the ground than above it.

Just as it is our duty to protect the values for which our martyrs sacrificed their lives, it is equally our duty to remember those who were lost. We have taken note of the positions people took on that historic night when the nation’s determination and decision saved our independence.

Just as we have identified the traitors of FETO, we have also kept in mind the key figures that supported them. We have not forgotten those who applauded the traitors while the people courageously resisted the coup, those who made deals with the putschists and fled in tanks while the people marched toward martyrdom, and those high-ranking individuals who raised a toast to these murderers while young children aged 15-16 fell to the ground. If we forget July 15, we will be denying justice to the innocent.

Today, we make history with various programs organized across our nation. Today, we commemorate our martyrs because we will never forget them. We express our gratitude to our veterans. We once again remind everyone of the epic written in blood. Together, we send a message to those who lie in wait. We will not allow the 15th of July to be forgotten or erased, even if it has been 7 years or 70 years since that day. July 15 holds great significance for us.

On the night of July 15, we not only thwarted a coup attempt but also wrote a grand epic that will be recounted from generation to generation. We declared to the entire world that the national will cannot be subjugated by tanks, firearms, or planes dropping bombs on civilians. We showed the world the power of unity.

All 81 provinces witnessed extraordinary resistance. It was the resistance of those who fearlessly confronted tanks in the prime of their lives. It was the resistance of those who sought to halt the coup plotters by setting fire to their tractors’ tires. It was the resistance of our people who flooded the streets with determination and stood guard for democracy. It was the resistance of those who embraced martyrdom rather than leaving their future to the mercy of terrorist organizations. It was the resistance of the oppressed who pinned their hopes on Türkiye.

Our beloved nation, united as one front, said “cease” to the traitors at the cost of their lives. Be assured, this front will remain unshaken even if the world crumbles. As Mehmet Akif once said, this front will forever stand firm. On this front, 85 million people share a collective conscience.

They aimed to make peace with the army of our nation, which they revered as the home of prophets. Our soldier is named Mehmetçik, which means Little Mohammed. No other country in the Islamic world carries such a name. Mehmetçik holds immense significance for us.

My nation resisted, and the country remained unconquered. We shattered all the vile scenarios. We declared that we will not be enslaved, that we will not allow our state to crumble. We asserted that we will not silence our prayers, nor let our glorious flag be lowered. We lost 253 of our children, but we did not degrade our country.

Those who fail to comprehend the spirit of July 15 will never understand the spirits of Çanakkale, Sakarya, and Dumlupınar. Those who fail to understand July 15 will never grasp the noble stance of this nation. Those who fail to understand July 15 will never comprehend the love for our homeland deeply ingrained within the souls of our people.

No one can tarnish the resistance of July 15. The reckless individuals who dismissively claim it was a controlled coup are incapable of comprehending the wisdom of our nation, who were tested with their lives and emerged victorious from the test.”
