Türkiyes National Sovereignty and Childrens Day celebrated in Uganda

Türkiyes National Sovereignty and Childrens Day celebrated in Uganda

Children have been particular company on the Turkish Embassy in Uganda the place a celebration was held Sunday to mark Türkiye’s National Sovereignty and Children’s Day.

Turkish Ambassador to Uganda Mehmet Fatih Ak instructed Anadolu that the day focuses on kids as a result of, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founding father of the Republic of Türkiye, emphasised that kids are the nation’s future.

“As we celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, this presents a chance to reconnect with the children amid our busy lives, by coming together to share moments like these with them,” Ak stated.

“The invitation extended to the children for the banquet is to reassure them that they are our future,” he added.

Source: www.anews.com.tr